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Daily doings of a girl in Seattle. Her Music, photography, & literature.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Jameson and Cork, I love you

Jameson and Cork, I love you

Jameson and Cork, I love you

Generated by Flickr Album Maker

So I'm always trying to find faster and better ways to upload pictures onto blogspot. It's kind of a bitch, I will admit. So I've had a flickr account for some time but never used it because I didn't want to sign up for the pro account. I did today, and it made uploading my pictures about 5 hours faster. Unfortunately when I am moving my pics from flickr ONTO blogspot it doesn't take my comments with it, so if you want to see what picture is what, go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/26386088@N02/sets/72157618098671413/
and look at the album that has the comments. Sorry, but I just don't have the time to sit and upload and re-write descriptions. I have the WORLD to see!


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