Erin and I went to the British Museum on Wednesday. We saw Egyptian sculptures and Intimate portraits.
Erin being fierce with the Egyptians.

This is so cool. Remember that part in The Neverending Story when Atreyu has to walk through that passageway in between those huge statues? This reminds me of that! SCARY!

We went to a gallery called Intimate Portraits. It was really fine paintings and drawings. I didn't get a picture of the actual paintings, because they probably wouldn't have turned out, but this woman Dorothea Graff was my favorite! Look her up if you want to see some really amazing stuff.

Then we went to the gallery on Japan. I took a picture of the tea house.

Today we went to St. Paul's Cathedral. It was AMAZING. I can't even begin to describe. It's Sir Christopher Wren's most prized work. Just look it on if you are interested. We were not allowed to take any pictures indoors which is a shame because it truly is not to be missed. We walked to the top where you can look out on the city.
This made me feel like something out of Sweeny Todd. The clouds are so dark, it's pretty spooky.

We had to look through these little bars. I imagine they weren't always there but some smarty pants must have tried fitting in between the pillars and fell at some point. Just a guess. Sorry I don't have more faith in you humanity, but you have to admit you're mildly destructive.

These were the narrow stairs we had to walk up and down. Kinda made you dizzy.

That's it! Like I said I didn't do a whole lot this week. The things I did do weren't photographic moments. But tomorrow I am heading out to Cork, Ireland. So I assume I will have lots to share by Monday evening!
Oh, and since I'm posting this it will probably archive my post from earlier today. So if you haven't seen my Copenhagen pics or the last days of Stockholm, including Cambridge, then just click older posts to check those out. I just posted those today as well.
1 comment:
I didn't actually read this but I wanted to say hi.
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