The first set of pictures here are from Cambridge. So the pictures here are all new to old. The ones from Kobenhavn at the end are the oldest. I got back from Stockholm on Saturday May 2nd, and on Sunday rather than do laundry or homework for the week, Erin and I set out for Cambridge. The campus of course is really beautiful. If I had to decide between Oxford or Cambridge (which would never be a real-life decision I would have to make, but if I DID) I would probably choose Cambridge. It seemed a bit friendlier than Oxford, less pretentious maybe? The colleges seemed more welcoming and I'm sure the beer helped me feel that way.
We met Megan at a little pub, and chatted and everybody made the decision to go punting. Punt, from dictionary.com: a small, shallow boat having a flat bottom and square ends, usually used for short outings on rivers or lakes and propelled by poling.
Boom. So we got to the river and it was 6 of us girls. Half wanted to take the guided tour and half wanted Megan to do the punting. I personally, really enjoyed the idea of being punted around by somebody who's never done it before. I thought it would be fun, especially since the water was full of other punters.
We set off. I regret that I don't really remember the name of all Megan's friends. The one on the right here is Hanah, and I think the one on the left is Becks? Forgive me if I'm wrong.

Megan punting in her new kicks.


The water got really crowded at times. A clusterfuck of punters if you will. I think that's what the great minds of Cambridge refer to it, a clusterfuck.

Side shot.

Some of the bridges were really low.

Chillin while Megan does all the work.

Despite all concerns in the beginning, Megan did a really awesome job! We thought that we were going to be the embarrassing boat on the river but we were far from it! In fact we saw two people fall into the river, and it wasn't any of us, YES!
So naturally we celebrated with Tequila.

Yay to Cambridge!

I had this really amazing idea to take the sleeper train from Kobenhavn to Stockholm so that I weouldn't have to spend money on one more night at a hostel. Bad idea.
I got into Stockholm at 5:15, NOTHING opens until at least 8. I was lucky to find a 711 that was open so I got a much needed coffee. But here I'm in the train station, wishing I had internet so I would have something to do, no luck.

I didn't really have a lot planned for my last days in Stockholm. I did most of the stuff that I REALLY wanted to do in the first days I was there. But it was REALLY sunny out, really warm, so I rented a bicycle for two days and I just rode around the water until I found something to do.

Sea horse.

These fish were so weird. They would stay in these little self-made caves and pop their heads out only to move the rocks around with their mouthes. It was so weird.

They had a rainforest exhibit. And it would actually go from light to dark and have thunderstorms. It was pretty cool. And they had huge catfish.

Riding around Stockholm. I went around the coast and just stopped and sat around for awhile, took a few pics.

It was May 1st, and they had a mayday parade. I couldn't read any of the banners obviously because they were in Swedish but somebody told me that they are basically people for both sides of Govt promoting their candidates etc.
Swedish police.

The little girl had a sign but I don't know what it said. I assume something like "Cookie monster for Mayor," or "Vote yes for dessert before dinner."

My trusty steed in front of my hostel.

The kitchen of my hostel.

Stairs up.

My little private room.

National Museum.

Hans Christian Anderson Museum, which I didn't go in because I heard it was crap. But we can all appreciate what H.C. Anderson has done without going to a lame museum.
If you don't know who he is go here: H.C. Anderson, Wikipedia

Helligandskirken Church.

The Helligandskirken Church dates from the early 1400s. My book on Copenhagen tells me the date of the church but you can also tell by looking at the windows, they are all small squares, which, in the 15th century what they could make. No big pieces of glass yet.

I walked into something that looked sort of interesting and it ended up being the Rundetarn (Round Tower) It was built in 1642 during Christian IV's reign. He built it to be an observatory for the university. The cobbled spiral walkway that you see here, winds seven-and-a-half times round its core for 209 metres (686 feet) almost to the top of the tower, 34.8 metres (114 feet) above the city.

Old bell chamber that used to hold the library but since has been moved.

View of Copenhagen from the top!

After the cobblestone you walk up these narrow stairs.

Resting and representing Hellgate in Copenhagen.

This is Christian V being depicted as a Roman general astride his horse. It sits in the middle of Kongens Nytorv, one of Copenhagen's large squares of shops and restaurants.

I went on a boat tour. Line and I end up having drinks around here, I love the different colored buildings.

Across the way is the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen's mose modern building.

This is the Opera House.

This warship is the pride of the Danish army, even though it's never seen battle.

This building is called the house with blue eyes. You can see why.

House boats.

Vor Frelsers Kirke (Church of Our Savior) 90 metre (205-foot) copper and gold spire. The church was built by architect Lambert van Haven for Chirstian V in 1682.

Black Diamond.

This used to be a brewery.

Part of Christian's original palace.

LUNCH! I went to a place called Riz Raz. It was mediterranean buffet. It was decent.

The canal.

Outside of my hostel.

New day! What shall I do today? OH I KNOW, I'll go check out Roman sculpture before I go to the amusement park, awesome! I'll have some coffee and a pastry before I start my day.

Outside of Thorvaldsens Museum.
Denmark's greatest sculpture, Thorvaldsen, was born in Copenhagen on November 19th, 1768. His scholarship sent him to Rome, where he lived and studied for 40 years. He was influnced by Graeco-Roman mythology. Before his death in 1844 he gave all of his work to the city of Copenhagen, and was buried in this very museum.

Cupid and Psyche.

Cupid and the Graces.

The ceiling!


Jason with the golden fleece. This is Thorvaldsen's breakthrough piece.

Briseis and Achilles.


Mars and Cupid.

Hector and Andromache.

The goddess of hope.


He was not a warrior but a blacksmith.

Mercury about to kill Argus.

Venus, Mars and Cupid in Vulcan's Smithy.



So huge!!

His disciples are by his side.


Thorvaldsens self portrait.

Again a beautiful ceiling.

Ganymede and the eagle.

Original before it was cast in marble.

You might know a man named Copernicus?




On the way to Tivoli.

Tivoli is an amusement park but it's unique from other ones. It is supposed to define the Danish experience, and said to be the ultimate expression of 'hygge', the unique type of cosiness that the Danes strive to create is all aspects of their lives. There are thrill rides but none is too extreme. And there are of course the things that make amusement parts unique, hot dogs, beer, cotton candy, etc. They have a huge stage where every summer a big act will usually play on. In the past it's been the Beach Boys, Sting, Phil Collins, Michael Jackson, and Jimi Hendrix. Michael Jackson tried to buy Tivoli, same with Disney, but the Danes weren't keen on the idea of selling their park to Americans who would ruin the basic idea of the place.
Tivoli is Denmark's number 1 tourist attraction, something like 4.5 million visitors pass through every Summer. In all 300 million have visisted in over a century.
Tivoli was built by King Christian VIII so that the Danes would have something to distract them, during a period of civil unrest. During building, it was a place where architects could basically go crazy, creatively letting loose all of their ideas into the park.
Peacock Theatre. The oldest building in the park is the Chinese-style Peacock Theatre. It was designed by Vilhelm Dahlerp. During the course of the day I saw several interesting plays here.

In the background here is one of the world class restaurants located inside Tivoli. Think about these pictures by day, and down below there are pictures when the sun goes down. Tivoli really transforms into something magical when the sun sets.


One of the rides.

Love cotton candy.

This is a little walk through that takes you through all of H.C. Anderson's classic tales with characters.


Really sad my cotton candy is gone. Pissed actually.


The gardens were my favorite thing about Tivoli. They were gorgeous and serene. The flowers were amazing.

Cute little mill next to a restaurant.

Restaurant boat.

Adorable baby ducks! Lil ducklings.

The orchestra played a lot while I was there. It was nice sitting in the warm sun listening to them play.

Yes ice cream!

BOO! I ate it all!

The aquarium at Tivoli. This weird eel kept opening it's mouth.

Hangin out watching the fish.

One of the plays/

Nighttime! Everything began to GLOW!

This is the restaurant I shot earlier and said to remember how it looks in the day. What a huge difference! It's so pretty.

I had an irish coffee while I was waiting for the light show to begin.

Light show!! They do this every night on the water. It only lasts for 10 min tho, lol. The guy next to me was trying to take pictures of it with his flash. It made me laugh. There are a lot of pictures just because it was fun shooting it.

I wish I could have gotten more pictures of this place but they had HUGE signs posted everywhere "NO PHOTOS". Basically in the 70's this place was a mess of left over military houses and buildings. Basically these hippie types came in and took over the buildings that were no longer used, and they built a community that is OUTSIDE of Danish law. COMPLETELY. I don't know how they get away with it still, but basically they don't pay any tax on the land, or the houses. Nothing. They seem self sustaining. A lot of the houses it's very obvious that they were hand built by somebody who wasn't quite sure what they were doing. But some of the houses are quite nice. It used to be that anybody who had the same 'ideas' and morals of these people could come in and live, but now they've closed the door on membership (hypocritical i should say) so nobody can come in. As of now the govt is trying to reclaim the land. I can see why, it's build overlooking a lake!! There was a street called pusher street, where you could buy or sell marijuana or shrooms but they police have been cracking down and now people aren't so open about it anymore. It was really interesting in the town though. It kinda reminded me of Mexico.
This is a picture of the lake that all the houses are build next to.

Just so more random Copenhagen.

Line and I having a drink by the canal.

Mexican food! How I miss you!

Marmorkirken. Marble Church. Work began on the church in 1749. Wasn't finished until the late 1880's.

Royal palace.

This is Ny Carlsbern Glyptotek. Houses a lot of Carl Jacobsen's art collection, (son of the founder of the Carlsbern brewery).

Spent a lot of time in this train station.

Phew! I'm glad I finally got these pictures up! There are many more to come I'm sure. Tomorrow I head to Cork, Ireland.
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