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Daily doings of a girl in Seattle. Her Music, photography, & literature.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

a little something i found, well, hilarious.

Girls, listen to Palin and just don't get raped ok?

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I have officially begun the screen-printing process for the first ever CHOCOLATE DIPPED CAT EARS t-shirts!

I still haven't decided on the perfect picture but by Fri (tomorrow) I will have made my decision.

Last night I started the emulsion process, Friday I burn the screens, and as soon as my t-shirts get in, I'll start painting those bitches! Check back for more updates!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

with great moustache comes great responsibility

the importance of having a moustache.

peter is so smart . . .

and actually you should probably just watch the whole episode . . . There is a part where Peter has a stroke and drives while singing "it's the end of the world as we know it!!!" it's awesome. There's also some making fun of will smith.

children of the revolution

storm game 08

we successfully raided the storm game last night @ key arena. With bustaches on our faces and miller lites in hand we blew the minds of storm fans everywhere.

too bad we didn't make it on the big screen . . .

here are the pictures in no particular order. (because blogger makes it impossible to place pictures on here without screwing them up somehow) It's easier to just import them all at once and leave them where they fall.

recycling is fun!!

bustache game face

call me v. v for vendetta.

bustaches and miller lite go hand in hand. coors would have been better but they don't serve coors at storm games.

samantha and mel at phuket after the game. taking a break from the bustaches.

yah that's the stuff.

bustaches, let us shimmy up this wall and we'll get to our seats faster.

chrysti is vengence.

samantha and jamie

b b b ba bustache

mmhmm, hits the spot.

chrysti and mel.

yes! YES!

yah girl. drinking a beer with a bustache isn't as easy as it looks.


samantha and jamie @ phuket.

wha bam!


serious game faces goin on.

mmm that's enough to scare all the little girls away.

BUSTACHES! HEY! where's the van??

more game face.

we had a lot of bustache meetings to discuss our next moves.

giving my face a little relief.

true bustache game face. don't you forget it.

thank you for following jamie, samantha, mel, irene and chrysti on our little journey through a storm game. remember, always wear protection--never leave home without your bustache.

Friday, September 5, 2008


ladies . . . prepare your bustaches . . . because SATURDAY, we raid the Storm game.

Even Bolan is wearing his bustache.

watch this video it'll get you ready for the glam that is awaiting you, bustache style.

if you aren't familiar with the term "bustache," here it is defined by the urban dictionary:

Bustache :

In the great metropolitan city of Seattle we have an ever progressive bus system. But on our wonderfully convenient buses, bums like to wander. In and out they go, winter, summer, spring and fall. Often times they are loony, and speak peaceful gibberish words into your ear. When earphones, sunglasses, and a hood won't shield you from uncomfortable bus chatter and no longer keep you safe from these migrant babblers, you wear the cleverly fashionable BUSTACHE!!

A bustache, is a mustache, that you wear in the bus. (Or anytime that you need to ward off crazies.)
I'm glad I wore my bustache to the Seattle Storm game, it kept me feeling safe and confident during those awkward conversations. *chrysti h


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

strawberry delite

you asked for it, you got it. the latest in chocolate dipped cat ears. strawberry delite. eat it up.

also -- I have important news. I'm going to begin pressing t-shirts and sweatshirts of these adorable little cats who have been gooed up. How many of you people would be interested in purchasing a t-shirt or sweatshirt with your choice of flavor and cat? I'm serious.

home sick - taking a day trip

Last week I had to take Thurs and Fri off because I had been feeling under the weather most of the week. It wasn't a lie. I really needed a day off, physically and mentally. Close to the weekend I started feeling really claustrophobic in the house so I grabbed the camera and took a day trip to a park in West Seattle called Jack Block Park.

It was really interesting. It was where industrial meets Puget sound. I try to take all of my pictures in Raw format, so they are really large. If you want to see the detail in the pictures click on them to make them full screen.

the pier.

as if I wasn't feeling crappy enough, it was a really dreary day.

there was this area where all of these octopus had gotten stuck into the fence. Seriously creepy. They were all dried out from the sun but their eyeballs were still visible. Gross. I am NEVER eating Octopus.

you could see the space needle on all of the trails. It was cool. Not that I don't see enough of the space needle from my house. But this is a new perspective.

the whole park was very rustic. Which was cool because you had these parts where the beauty of the water and the plant life of the park kissed the metal and the rust of the industrial.

tracks meet dinosaurs.

beautiful fall colors.

an anchor.

the city unanimous with the bars.

this is a picture I took near my work. I thought that it fit well here because the rustic is running into nature.

underside of those nasty octopus, floating all precarious like. without a worry in the world.


The same day that I took my day trip the cat was at the vet getting spayed. She got home and was totally drugged out but wanting to play. So I took some pics of her in her "stoned" state. Her eyes were REALLY
dilated. It was hilarious.

She couldn't run without falling sideways. I didn't capture her falling over in this pic but you can see her adorable sleepy eyes.